+++ title = "All Good Things Come to an End" date = 2021-04-14T12:03:44-07:00 description = "After having spent the last seven years organizing technical talks at several meetups I have decided to step down and move on." featured = false draft = false toc = false featureImage = "" thumbnail = "" shareImage = "" codeMaxLines = 30 codeLineNumbers = false figurePositionShow = false keywords = ["meetup", "conference", "technical talks", "events", "organizer"] tags = ["meetup", "conference", "technical talks"] categories = ["meetup", "conference", "technical talks"] +++ **Update:** Since writing this blog I have re-started arranging some meetups again. **For details visit: [Current Meetups I am organizer for]({{< ref "resume.md#current-meetups" >}})** {{< youtube 1CU5UPi7STk >}} After having spent the last seven years organizing technical talks at several meetups I have decided to step down and move on. It is an end of an era for me, but I am excited about what's next. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my co-organizers, all of the speakers I hosted and all the attendees for supporting my efforts to help all of us learn from each other and be a community. ### What Meetup groups I am stepping down from - SF Scala - SF Java - SF Elastic User Group - Bay Area Nix/NixOS User Group - SF Spark and Friends - Bay Area Ai - GraphQL By the Bay - Vancouver Scala Of course the above meetup groups will continue with my co-organizers moving it forward without me. ### What will happen to [SF Bay Area techies](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx317LNd-AlbTcE_0FkdJcg) - The [San Francisco Bay Area Techies YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx317LNd-AlbTcE_0FkdJcg) will live forever, hosting recordings of some of the technical talks I had organized. - The sfbayareatechies.com website will be shutdown. - The sfbayareatechies twitter, slack, discord and clubhouse club will be shutdown. ### What is next for me I have a passion to learn, share my knowledge and to code, so I will be spending my freed up to time to contribute more to various open source projects and create my own content to share my learnings, which will include (but not limited to): - Writing more blogs here - Recording screencasts for my new [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjtB4EHujxHO2DB3FQ_obQ) <--- PLEASE SUBSCRIBE 🙏 !!! - Doing more talks at Conferences ### Keep in touch Keep in touch all, lets get together sometime for a happy hour (be it virtual or in person (post covid)) and maybe even lets do some pair/mob programming together. Thank you 🙏🍷 All ! ### [Subscribe to my newsletter](http://newsletter.softinio.com)