+++ title = "Converting HTML to Markdown using Markdownify" date = 2023-12-26 [taxonomies] tags = ["markdown"] categories = [ "TIL" ] [extra] toc = true keywords = ["markdown", "html", "convert", "python", "nix"] +++ I had some HTML content that I wanted to convert to markdown. The simplest tool I found to do this effectively was a python utility called [Markdownify](https://pypi.org/project/markdownify/). I used Nix Shell to install it: ```bash nix-shell -p python311Packages.markdownify ``` And to do the conversion I just did: ```bash markdownify myfile.html > myfile.md ``` where `myfile.html` is the name of the file I wanted to convert and `myfile.md` in the name of the markdown file it got converted to.