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+++ Title = "Scala Project night and Lightning Talks - June 2017" Slug = "scala-dc-june-2017" date = "2017-06-22T08:54:57-05:00" Description = "Notes on Scala DC meetup in June 2017" menu = "main" keywords = ["meetup", "scala", "DC", "Nova", "Washington", "Virginia"] Topics = ["meetup"] Tags = ["meetup", "scala", "vim"] meetup_url = "" speaker_url = "" slides_url = "" +++

At this meetup we watched a video on frontend development using Scala and scala.js recorded at this years Scaladays. The presenter Otto Chrons gave a humourous and inspiring talk on this topic and introduced us to his new UI framework Suzaku. By the way he is looking for contributors to this project so if you are looking for an open source scala project to contribute to this would be a great one.

If you want to watch the video it can be found here:

How I learned to stop worrying and love the frontend by Otto Chrons

After the video we had discussions about scala.js and a few of the attendees went to the scala.js documentation and created a hello world program using it to get familiar with it. It was great fun and in future meetups we are thinking of doing more learning and coding activities to learn scala.js as a group.

If anyone knows me personally they know that I am a big fan of vim as my text editor. So lately I have been doing 90% of my scala coding using vim and ensime. So I did a demo of how I have setup neovim and how I use it.

For anyone who attended the meetup and is keen to have the same setup my dotfiles can be found here:

Salar Rahmanian's dotfiles

It was great to see everyone who attended, hope to see more scala types at our next event:

Upcoming Scala DC Meetups