2022-10-15 23:49:38 -07:00

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+++ title = "Consulting" date = 2022-10-15T18:43:23-07:00 draft = false showReadTime = false showDate = false comments = false +++

Consulting Technical Stack and Speciality: Scala, Akka, Apache Spark, Kafka, Apache Nifi, and Nix / NixOS


I am a software engineer and leader with over 20 years experience, based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California (USA). You can read more about my experience by looking at my [Resume]({{< ref "/resume" >}} "Resume").

Software Development

I am happy to help build software for you. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Building new software for your business from inception
  • Enhancing and adding new features to your existing custom software
  • Joining your existing engineering team for short term and long term projects, helping to increase your teams capacity and capability

Open source maintenance and Support

Many companies leverage open source software to save costs. As an active contributor and user of open source software I can help with:

  • Providing support and Training
  • Adding enhancments and new features to open source projects that you need
  • If you have open sourced some of your work, I can help with maintenance and supporting its community of users


I provide expert training and mentorship. Happy to provide this on a one to one basis or as a workshop to a group.

All training and workshops I do are custom to your needs, so that it can focus on the areas most guidance is needed.

Technical Review

Do you need an external experienced engineer to review your architecture and code and provide impartial feedback, with advice on improvements and evolving your work? I can provide this.

Thinking of acquiring a software company? Do you need its assets audited and reviewed to know and understand what you are getting? I can help!

Hiring Help

I am available to help you with hiring engineers. I can help with:

  • Defining your interview process and how to measure a candidate for a role
  • Interview candidates of all levels on your behalf
  • Train technical interviewers at your company


Having worked in the software engineering industry for over 20 years across the USA and Europe, I am happy to share any knowledge I have gathered, providing any advice I can help with. Also, where possible I can help with making the business and technical connections to help you succeed.

Business Insights and Analytics

Do you want better insights and reporting on your business and competitors?

I can help with your data, creating data pipelines to generate insights and reports that can help with your business strategy and give you a competitive edge leveraging all the modern tools in data engineering and data science.

Monitoring and Fault Detection Audit and Improvements

Does your software platform have quality of service issues? Are you failing to meet your customers SLA and reliability expectations?

I can help by assessing how you monitor and detect problems on your platform, providing advice on what needs to be done to have the best and most reliable service. I am also available to implement the changes needed adding the monitoring you need.

This includes, but is not limited to setting up:

  • Better error logging leveraging technologies such as Kibana
  • Better system monitoring leveraging Grafana or Datadog
  • Improvements to compliance and audit logging
  • Engineering process improvements to react to and eliminate recurring problems on your platform

Book a Consultation

Want to get together to discuss how I can help you and find out more about my services? Book a consultation with me by submitting the form below and I will be in touch to move forward.

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First Name*

Last Name*

Company Name

Phone Number

How Can I Help you?*

What is your preferred dates and times for me to send you a Google Meet / Zoom Calendar invite for us to have a chat about how I can help?

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